Neuropsychological Exam & Speciality Evaluations

What is Neuropsychology?

Neuropsychology is a sub-specialty of Clinical Psychology. Clinical Neuropsychologists have specialized knowledge of functional neuroanatomy, principles of neuroscience, brain development, neurological disorders and etiologies, neurodiagnostic techniques including neuroimaging, normal and abnormal brain functioning, and the neurobehavioral manifestations of neurological disorders.

Preparation to practice Neuropsychology begins at the Doctoral level. The specialized education and training in Clinical Neuropsychology is completed at the post-Doctoral level. Competence in Neuropsychology requires the ability to integrate neurobehavioral findings with neurological, and other medical data, historic psychosocial and behavioral data, as well as knowledge of pertinent neuroscience, in order to translate neurobehavioral findings into diagnostic impressions, which lead to a recommended intervention plan.

Neuropsychologists use a model of Brain-Behavior relationships to determine the likelihood that changes in neurobehavioral functions (e.g., reasoning, speed of information processing, selective attention, concentration, learning/recall processes, academic skills, language processes, mental-spatial processes, sensory-perceptual processes, controlled motor movement) are related to changes in the brain or to developing neurological disorders.

The Neuropsychological Examination is used to develop a differential diagnosis when neurobehavioral changes are the predominant presenting complaints.

Serial Neuropsychological Assessments are used to define neurobehavioral improvement after cerebral neurosurgery (e.g., tumor resection, vascular repair, etc.), as well as neurobehavioral recovery after stroke, brain trauma, concussions, demyelinating or neurotoxic events.

How is a Neuropsychological Exam different from other types of evaluations?

Neuropsychological Testing/Exam is proven and medically necessary for evaluating patients when the results of the Neuropsychological Exam will influence clinical decision-making.

Neuropsychological Testing is a set of formal assessment procedures utilizing diagnostic tests specifically developed to identify the presence of various aspects of brain dysfunction. Measurement of brain dysfunction cannot be based on single test results. Neuropsychological Testing is interpreted in the context of medical and neurological findings.

Neuropsychological findings have been proven as necessary for clinical decision-making for the following conditions

  • known, or suspected, organic medical conditions resulting from brain injury or disease process
  • confirmed space occupying brain lesions
  • the various dementing disorders
  • demyelinating disorders, including Multiple Sclerosis
  • disorders consequent to encephalopathy (eg, HIV, Lyme disease, Systemic Lupus, hepatic encephalopathy)
  • neurotoxin exposure
  • seizure disorders
  • Stroke (CVA)
  • Traumatic Brain Injury, including concussion


Scholastic Assessments

Scholastic assessments are usually performed to determine whether an individual qualifies for special education programs or therapies to enhance school performance. They focus on achievement and skills needed for academic success. Routinely, they do not diagnose learning or behavior disorders caused by altered brain function or development.

When an Individual Is Referred?

Referrals are accepted from Primary Care Providers, from Specialists (e.g., neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry, physical medicine providers, or similar care providers). Physician referral is expected if you expect to utilize insurance payment to reimburse cost of services.

If you have been referred for a Neuropsychological Exam, or any other clinical service,

Please NOTE: If a Steinmann provider is member of your insurance provider panel, every effort will be made to provide the necessary information to your insurer to facilitate authorization for payment.

HOWEVER, the financial support subscription is between you and your specific insurance plan. The individual subscription is NOT between a Steinmann provider and your insurance plan. Not all insurance plans cover all possible clinical services. It is up to you to determine whether the clinical service that is being requested is covered by your specific insurance subscription.

Typically, services necessary for clinical decision-making are covered services.

Typically, services necessary to gain or maintain employment are NOT covered services. Typically, services necessary to facilitate schooling, academic training, or any skills training for a job are NOT covered services.

It is important that you review your particular insurance plan to determine whether a requested clinical service is covered by your specific plan. Any co-payment determined by your insurer is due at the time of a scheduled visit.

Please NOTE: You are ultimately responsible for the cost of provided clinical services. If your insurance provider does not authorize reimbursement for services provided, you will be billed directly. If Collections Support is necessary to recover cost of provided services, the cost of Collections will be added to the Bill.

PLEASE review your Insurance Plan before contracting clinical services at Steinmann.

What is Assessed?

A typical neuropsychological evaluation may examine:

• Intellectual resources
• Reasoning processes
• Attention/Concentration processes
• Learning and memory
• Elements of Language
• Visually mediated perceptual processes, including complex mental-spatial processes
• Controlled motor movement and balance

Some neurocognitive processes may be examined in more detail , depending on the referral question.

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